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WHAT HAPPENED ON 22nd December 1996?

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21st December 1996


While many people are due to receive windfall payments as their building societies change to banks Britannia's customers will get a "loyalty bonus". The payment will come as part of its commitment to remaining a mutual building society. Around 1.2m customers will receive the scheme's first annual payments in February or March 1997. the average payment is expected to be around £50 & the most someone can get is £500.



22nd December 1996


Japan has expressed its support for the stern stance taken by Peru's President over the Lima hostage crisis. Japan's pledge comes after an admission by Tokyo that there were differences over how to handle the situation. Alberto Fujimori has told the Marxist rebels a non-violent "way out" would be possible if they surrendered their arms and freed all their hostages. About 340 people are being held at the Japanese ambassador's residence.

22nd December 1996


Hundreds of people have attended a peace rally in Belfast amid growing fears of a return to fullscale violence instead of the thousands expected. The Lord Mayor Councillor Ian Adamson said the turnout showed that the people were still demanding peace. A host of stars including singer Brian Kennedy TV's Gloria Hunniford & Eamonn Holmes attended the event. The organisers however admitted that the turnout was disappointing.

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21st December 1996

SOMALIA Some 1 500 people have been admitted to hospitals in Mogadishu in the past week following fierce fighting between rival factions & 132 have died from their wounds. EGYPT President Hosni Mubarak's wife has said she is willing to play a personal role in the campaign to combat female circumcision in the country. FRANCE Imports of live cattle have been suspended from Switzerland because of an outbreak of mad cow disease. There have been 230 BSE cases recorded in Switzerland so far.

22nd December 1996


Japan has expressed its support for the stern stance taken by Peru's President over the Lima hostage crisis. Japan's pledge comes after an admission by Tokyo that there were differences over how to handle the situation. Alberto Fujimori has told the Marxist rebels a non-violent "way out" would be possible if they surrendered their arms and freed all their hostages. About 340 people are being held at the Japanese ambassador's residence.

22nd December 1996

AUSTRALIA Video cameras have been installed at Sydney's Bondi Beach in a police effort to avoid a repetition of the riots by drunken revellers which erupted on Christmas Day last year. SWITZERLAND The Geneva-based war relief arm of the Red Cross has said it faces a £30m cash shortage next year mainly due to donors pledging money & then not handing it over. USPublisher Random House has said it will probably fail to sell 60% of its 500 000-copy run of President Clinton's book Between Hope & History.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 22nd December 1996?
Life after 22nd December 1996?
What is the significance of People on 22nd December 1996?
What is the relationship between People and President on 22nd December 1996?
What is the connection between People and President on 22nd December 1996?
Why does People matter on 22nd December 1996?
What was the impact of People on 22nd December 1996?
What is the significance of President on 22nd December 1996?
What is the relationship between President and People on 22nd December 1996?
What is the connection between President and People on 22nd December 1996?
Why does President matter on 22nd December 1996?
What was the impact of President on 22nd December 1996?

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