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WHAT HAPPENED ON 23th January 2001?

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22nd January 2001


A woman died in New Zealand after being treated with a beauty product designed to remove wrinkles & blemishes. The 57-year-old from Christchurch had a heart attack & died a few weeks later without regaining consciousness. The cosmetic preparation containing phenol a potentially dangerous chemical was supposed to remove the upper layers of facial skin. The beauty product was manufactured in Israel but did not have the New Zealand Ministry of Health's approval.

23th January 2001


A section of rail in the Hatfield train crash broke into more than 300 pieces a report into the accident reveals. The Health & Safety Executive report says multiple cracks were present in the rail before the crash in October. It says all evidence pointed to the break-up of the rail being the cause of the crash in which four people died. There was no evidence of vandalism or driver error contributing to the cause of the crash the report adds.

23th January 2001


The Conservative Party's plans for an #8bn tax cut are "an insult to Mickey Mouse" Tony Blair's office has said. An official said they had a "back of the envelope feel to them" & described them as a "joke". But shadow chancellor Michael Portillo insisted the Tories could still reach spending targets on health transport defence & the police. He promised to match Labour's pledges in all these areas.

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22nd January 2001

What People were saying on

"I find I am expected just to do what I am told especially by women who we all know are so much more mature than we men. And I say that not only because my wife is in earshot."

Actor Richard Briers.

"No pacts no deals no nonsense from the Liberal Democrats."

Charles Kennedy the Liberal Democrat leader on general election campaigning.

"Politics was once a vocation. It became a career & is now a rip-off."

Tory peer Lord Tebbit.

23th January 2001


A section of rail in the Hatfield train crash broke into more than 300 pieces a report into the accident reveals. The Health & Safety Executive report says multiple cracks were present in the rail before the crash in October. It says all evidence pointed to the break-up of the rail being the cause of the crash in which four people died. There was no evidence of vandalism or driver error contributing to the cause of the crash the report adds.

23th January 2001


People with Down's Syndrome may hold the key to fighting lung cancer in their genes scientists have discovered A Cancer Research Campaign team found that people with the genetic disorder have an extra copy of the gene USP25. But the same gene is often missing altogether from tumour cells of lung cancer patients. People with Down's Syndrome are much less likely to develop many solid tissue cancers the study said.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 23th January 2001?
Life after 23th January 2001?
What is the significance of Health on 23th January 2001?
What is the relationship between Health and People on 23th January 2001?
What is the connection between Health and People on 23th January 2001?
Why does Health matter on 23th January 2001?
What was the impact of Health on 23th January 2001?
What is the significance of People on 23th January 2001?
What is the relationship between People and Health on 23th January 2001?
What is the connection between People and Health on 23th January 2001?
Why does People matter on 23th January 2001?
What was the impact of People on 23th January 2001?

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