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WHAT HAPPENED ON 24th September 1996?

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23th September 1996


NATO is to seek a charter with Russia to formally give it a voice in the alliance's debates on key issues. US Defence Secretary William Perry said Moscow could be party to deliberations on nuclear weapons basing of troops and other highly sensitive matters. But Russia would not be given a vote on such issues he stressed. Mr Perry was speaking at the start of a 10-day trip to Finland Sweden Denmark and Norway.

24th September 1996

The five declared nuclear powers have

signed a treaty banning atomic tests. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty forbids all nuclear tests in the air or under ground. More than 2 000 tests have been carried out since the first American tests 51 years ago. UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros- Ghali called the treaty a turning point in efforts towards nuclear disarmament.

24th September 1996

The five declared nuclear powers have

signed a treaty banning atomic tests. The treaty has to be ratified by the parliaments of the 44 countries with nuclear potential. One of these countries India has vowed never to sign the treaty until the five declared nuclear powers set a timetable for destroying their weapons.


Some queries which this page seeks to answer:

Life before 24th September 1996?
Life after 24th September 1996?
What is the significance of nuclear on 24th September 1996?
What is the relationship between nuclear and nuclear on 24th September 1996?
What is the connection between nuclear and nuclear on 24th September 1996?
Why does nuclear matter on 24th September 1996?
What was the impact of nuclear on 24th September 1996?

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